Mitchell tapes #1: NY edit
Mitchell tapes #1: NY editFilmed by Yan K. and Mitchell Sorkin Edited by Mitchell Sorkin This video goes way back, Im not exactly sure of the year but by my clothes and shoes it looks like i was in 7th grade which would be 2003. Around this time I was lurking everyday learning everything i could about cameras; wishing I could skate and film like the videos that were coming out at that time. Nothing in that time of my life was financially stable (and still isn't lmao) so I couldn't afford to get that Vx1000 Mk1 set up i was dreaming of everyday. Mitchell bought a VX1000 and that was my first time using it. I loved it and it felt very natural for me because of what I already learned from skateperception. Mitchell's VX had the raynox fisheye modification which somehow someway has completely been forgotten about as an alternative for the mk1, it was 100x better then the opteka option. This trip was really fun and I've never been to NY since. I bought my own VX a little while after but never really used it as i was busy with other shit like work, girlfriends, teenage shit, so I sold it. It wasn't until 2013 that I bought another one and started to film seriously for the Skate in Space video. Most people thought I already knew what I was doing before filming for the video, but it was actually the real first times I've had to put everything I already knew from the previous decade into actual practice. Time flies, everything feels like yesterday.