Skateboarding videos
Behind the scenes: Gnarly 22 Stair 50-50 With Olivier Lucero
Behind the scenes: Gnarly 22 Stair 50-50 With Olivier LuceroBehind the scenes: Gnarly 22 Stair 50-50 With Olivier Lucero Seeing a gnarly trick in a video part is awesome but does the 5-10 second cuts do the job for you. If not than here in the new behind the scenes segment you can see the whole battle that it took to get that trick. Olivier Lucero is known for jumping onto the gnarliest rails and as seen here you will see gnarly 50-50 he does on this 22 stair rail. I also got to catch up with olivier and ask him some questions about that night. Enjoy! Video by Chris Park Check out his mini interview at: Subscribe to Skidmark Magazine: Skidmark Skatemag App: iTunes: Google Play: Facebook: Instagram: Snapchat: Skidmark Skatemag