Skateboarding videos
Thunderdome: Stop #3 of Australia's Nike SbA Pro/Am Tour. Features Australia's best skateboard warriors. The course for Thunderdome is unparalleled in Australian skate history. Sure, there may have been bigger purpose-built courses, but definitely not for a local comp. The level of the forty odd guys that were pre-qualified and invited to this comp was beyond what any of us have ever personally seen in an Aussie skate congregation. I guess the only problem with the collective bar raising that has gone as a result of this one, is topping it, but I’m sure, somehow the Aussie skate collective will do that next year. Continued here: Filmed by: Anthony De Sylva and Danny Jenkins Contributing filmers: Leo Townsend, Sparrow and Morgan Campbell Edited by: Anthony De Sylva and Danny Jenkins Song: 'Delusional Blues' by the Murlocs ( Skateboarding AustraliaTags: thunderdome, sba pro/am tour, nike sba pro/am tour, tommy fynn, blake harris, reece warren, jack kirk, sam giles, sammy winter,