SWAMPFEST 2025: THE MOVIE!This week we head back to the swamps of Florida for Trey Jones's Swampfest 2025! This is the gnarliest event in BMX and Skateboarding. Will we survive the mayhem? There's the Source Middle Finger, The Shadow Coffin, the Pit Viper Limo, the Odyssey Swamp Kine... That's just day 1, Day 2 we have the Independent Swamp Rail, the OJ Wild Ride, the Monster skate and BMX Bowl jam, the Gnarbq log ride, Dan's Comp Curve Wall, The Cult Curved Rail and more! Let's get wild! This video features: Dalton Dern @daltondern Destin Dern @destindern Swampfest
@florideahswampfest Trey Jones
@treyjonesucks Gary Young
@garybyoung Liam Pace
@liampace_ The Shadow Conspiracy
@theshadowconspiracy Rich Hernandez
@poorhomierich Jamie Thayer
@jamiethayer Nathan Powell
@nat_pow_ Eli Kravetz
@elikravetz Tyler Hill
@tylerhillbmx Andres Shapol
@andresshapol David Gravette
@davidgravette Jordan Thackeray @jthaxx_hys Ezekiel Helmreich
@ezehelmreich Jimmy Larsen
@offgridskater Matt Perkins
@mattpstreetg Aryei Levenson
@ripe_lyfe Victor Win
@victorwin_perspective Aaron Homoki
@aaronjawshomoki Jake Rutkowitz
@jakerutk Dylan Carter
@dielxn Max Vu
@maxvutang Trey Wood
@treywood Tom Schaar
@tomschaar Kieran Woolley
@kieranwoolley_ Lou Uba
@louubabmx Trent Lutzke
@trentlutzke Jake Yanko
@jake_yanko Mason Ritter
@mason_ritter Pit Viper
@pitviper Skummy Diener
@skummydiener Jack Tenney
@savage Carson Donovan
@carsondonovanbmx Kaden Stone
@dubbybmx Zachary Alexander
@catfishvsthug Crazy Mike
@itscrazymike Scooby Drosera
@droserafl Drew Fall
@drewfallz Jack McCullough
@jack.mcculloughh Kyle Walsh
@walshkyle Reckless Ben
@recklessbenschneider Marcel Andersen
@marcelkneeboard Kellen Garth
@mgkellen_ Kevn Kowalski
@kevin_kowalski Denim Cox
@denimcox Mikey Sanchez
@pretty.sauced_ And More! Shop for Dern Bros. Merch at dernbros.com Video Directory: 00:00 Intro 00:44 Source Middl