Daewon Song, 180 double heel flip fakie manual 360 truck twist?!
Daewon Song, 180 double heel flip fakie manual 360 truck twist?!Daewon Song finalize his Almost #Batman trick challenge contest with a 180 double heel flip fakie manual with a 360 truck twist #bonus lol for @indylondonsuki 🙌 Congrats to all 3 winners!! Filmed by: @leftoversp #AlmostSkateboards #HaveFunThinkDifferent Special thanks to http://crailtap.com for letting us play! Make sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for day-to-day updates on our world, team, new products, and giveaways. http://facebook.com/almostskateboards http://twitter.com/almostskate http://instagram.com/almostskate