We Took Professional Pogo Stickers To Famous NYC Skate Spots
We Took Professional Pogo Stickers To Famous NYC Skate SpotsWe met some professional pogoers (yeah, we didn't know it was a thing either) and showed them NYC's most famous spots to see what they could do at 'em. Enjoy, write a scathing review, laugh, cry, feel something! And don’t worry, we’ll go back to skateboarding shortly. Filmed and Edited by: Greg Navarro [https://www.instagram.com/gregpnavarro/] Additional Filming by: Ben Komins [https://www.instagram.com/pressure.cracks/] More info: https://www.jenkemmag.com/home/2024/1... Buy the new Jenkem gear: https://shop.jenkemmag.com/ Thanks to: Henry Cabelus: [https://www.instagram.com/xpogohenry/] Nico Patino: [https://www.instagram.com/nic0frik0/] Dalton Smith: [https://www.instagram.com/manwithpogo]