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What Is The Most Famous Ollie Ever Done?!
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What Is The Most Famous Ollie Ever Done?!Signed Jeremy Wray boards - www.storiedskateboarding.com In “What Is The Most Famous Ollie Ever Done?!” We sit down with two of skateboarding’s greatest Ollie’rs of all time, Aaron “Jaws” Homoki and Jeremy Wray. How did we get here? After Jamie Thomas sets the record straight that the most important trick ever done in relation to skateboarding’s progression. Is the Ollie done by Alan Gelfand and Rodney Mullen, we asked 20 or so Professional skater’s who they thought had the most famous ollie ever done. Not the greatest, highest, biggest, fastest, longest, shortest or slowest…the Most Famous ollie. The most recognized and memorized ollie of all time. While Jeremy Wray is mostly known for his Water Tower Ollie, he has a few other great ones; for example the iconic San Diego Sports Arena Triple Set Ollie or the quadruple set! Jaws was a little more difficult to narrow down, he simply has too many! When it came down to it, several piers as well as Aaron himself, said his most well known and biggest ollie is the massive Louisville blocks from the cover of Thrasher. Now this sparks a whole separate debate: are ollie grabs considered ollies?! If so, would that make his Lyon 25 stair ollie melon grab his most famous ollie? Debate it here! Jeremy tells some rad stories, one particular stand out is the Daniel Harold Sturt story of how he poached Danny Way’s legendary helicopter drop in! Some other famous stand out ollies mentioned are the Don “The Huge” Nguyen El Toro 20 ollie, Reese Forbes Ollies, Ali Boulala ‘Flip Sorry’, Jamie Thomas “Leap of Faith”, Frankie Hill, Corey Duffel, Aldrin Garcia, Jake Hayes, Danny Wainwright and more. As administrators of this page, we have to admit we are shocked that there was no callouts for Kieth Hufnagel (RIP), Jim Greco Carwash Gap, Mark Gonzalez Gone Gap or Josh Kaspar ollie from Osiris ‘The Storm’! If you are a beginn
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