Skateboarding videos
Metal Ramp Kids - Fishkill, NY
Metal Ramp Kids - Fishkill, NYPre-fab metal skateparks are a dying breed. These first-generation skateparks are slowly being replaced by slick concrete courses and Olympic-style training facilities. Our friend Nic Mosher was motivated to capture these parks through his new video series he’s dubbed “Metal Ramp Kids.” Nic believes that at every pre-fab park, there are unique crews of lurkers keeping them alive, and he’s setting out on the road to find out if he’s right. Growing up, these sorts of tinny parks were not just a place to skate, but they fostered a community of people who made them their home away from home. His first stop was Fishkill, NY, a village 90 minutes north of New York City. Maybe it was beginner’s luck, but despite the 100-degree heat, he stumbled upon a motley crew hiding out behind the ramps, some local bikers, and a skater trying to make the best of his environment. Filmed & Edited by: Nic Mosher (
Posted by: Jenkem Mag