Skateboarding videos
We asked skateboarders what skateboarding means to them in two words for #goskateboardingday
We asked skateboarders what skateboarding means to them in two words for #goskateboardingdayYesterday was #goskateboardingday and we celebrated togeher in London Leak Street Arches with the Red Bull Road Gap. I asked all the skaters what skateboarding meant to them, but in no more than two words. The answers were so interesting, funny and inspiring. Skateboarding is such a great community and hearing all these postive responses shows us what and how skateboarding gives back to us all. What two words would you use to describe what skateboarding means to you? #skateboarding #skateboardingisfun #skater #skateboard #twowords #goskateday #goskateboarding #redbullroadgap #redbull
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