Skateboarding videos
Red Bull No Rewind is HERE!
Red Bull No Rewind is HERE!Red Bull No Rewind: A NEW skate video competition like no other. ๐Ÿ“น 4 Teams. 4 Rigged VX1000s. 60 Minutes of Tape. No Rewinds. Given two weeks to film with a modified VX1000 with disabled Rewind and Tape Eject buttons, realskateboards, santacruzskateboards, planbofficial, and blindskate strategically filmed clips to make the most of the 60 minutes of available MiniDV Tape. With time being the enemy in more ways than one, filming enough quality footage to create a proper skate edit was not easy. Edits are now logged, ready for playback, and a panel of judges consisting of beagleoneism, torey pudwill, and jaime owens are on standby. Stakes are high as the judge-selected winning team will be awarded $15,000. Videos and more info launch next Thursday, June 22. Stay tuned. ๐Ÿ“บ #RedBullNoRewind #VX1000 #SantaCruzSkateboards #PlanBSkateboards #BlindSkateboards #RealSkateboards
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