Skateboarding videos
Mastering the Hardflip: Step-by-Step Tutorial with Pro Skater Dominick Walker
Mastering the Hardflip: Step-by-Step Tutorial with Pro Skater Dominick WalkerIn this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll teach you how to master the hardflip on a with pro skater Dominick Walker. The hardflip is a complex trick that combines a kickflip with a frontside shove-it, making it one of the more challenging tricks to learn. We’ll start with the basics, such as foot placement and how to pop the tail of the board, before guiding you through the process of sliding your front foot diagonally towards the board’s heelside to execute the flip, and catching the board with your front foot. Finally, we’ll show you how to level out the board with your back foot and land the trick successfully. Key Moments in Tutorial (0:37) Step 1: Foot Positioning (0:59) Step 2: Pop and Flick (1:10) Pro Tip (2:25) Step 3: Catching (2:19) Catch like Bryan Herman (2:36) Catch like Chad Muska (3:22) Step 4: Landing Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skateboarder looking to take your flip tricks to the next level, our tutorial is perfect for you. With Domo’s expert guidance, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the hardflip and impressing your friends at the skate park. Learn the Hardflip with step-by-step photos and instructions, on our site: Watch more How To videos with Dominick Walker: - How To Ollie: - How To Pop Shove-It - How To Kickflip: - How To 360 Flip: Check out all 40 How To videos: In this Video: @domowalker @motionclubhouse Subscribe to TransWorld’s YouTube: Follow TWS for the latest: Daily videos, photos and more: Like TransWorld SKATEboard