Skateboarding videos
The Streets of Valencia and Malaga: TWS Vault: Jason Hernandez Ep 57 | Shiloh, Stefan, and more
The Streets of Valencia and Malaga: TWS Vault: Jason Hernandez Ep 57 | Shiloh, Stefan, and moreThis next episode is probably a week of skating. I'm not sure exactly because we flew into Barcy, skated for a few days then Oliver Barton and us drove down to Valencia and Malaga. We stayed in those towns for at least a week (I think), then ended the trip back in Barcelona. These trips started a reunion tour with us friends. We would end up going back to Barcelona every year, it was such a fun time and a big inspiration seeing these spots and architecture. Barcelona is EPIC. Damn Shiloh was on fire at that gap to rail in Malaga! Featuring Shiloh Greathouse, Omar Salazar, Richard Angelides, Chany Jeanguenin, Stefan Janoski, Kyle Leeper, and Oliver Barton. I start each video the same way, I pick two to five DV tapes (in order) from my TransWorld DV drawer. I read my log book and find out what’s in store for the next video. I line the deck up with the time code that coincides with what I have written down, and the memories start flowing. I’ll fiddle with the order depending on just how gnarly the tricks are, BUT these videos are chronological in the sense that I do not skip around to different tapes just to find “gnarlier” tricks to make the edits better. These edits play very closely to how the footage got recorded on each tape and what time frame I filmed each trick. Subscribe to TransWorld’s YouTube: Follow TWS for the latest: Daily videos, photos and more: Like TransWorld SKATEboarding on Facebook: Follow TransWorldSKATE on Instagram: