Skateboarding videos
"Ocean Green" by Evan Schiefelbine
"Ocean Green" by Evan SchiefelbineOcean Green is the second novel from Evan Schiefelbine, and surely his best one yet. The story follows an architecture student, Hector Alvarez, as he returns to the LA Basin for a summer residency at a historic house in Pasadena. Between skating with his old friends and doing his research, Hector spends his time visiting skate spots connected to the late Pasadena skate legend Pat Brennen. And with Hectorโ€™s time in LA, also arrives a story of love for family, friends, and the unexpected. Readers with a love for the city of Los Angeles will surely absolutely enjoy this Ocean Green adventure. Available now at film/ edit - Robin Pailler @smlwheels
Posted by: sml wheels