Skateboarding videos
Talkin' Schmit "THANK FOOLS" video
Talkin' Schmit "THANK FOOLS" videoThankful for all my guests, thankful for Shane Medanich for always providing music and stoke, so thankful for McKenney and all his early morning banter(his PSA’s and love of the First Impression). Thankful for Christian Cooper for always talkin baseball with me even when the season is long over and far from starting again. Thankful for my loving gorgeous executive director/wife for well… EVERYTHING. And Im thankful for the listeners, the ones that occasionally listen, the ones that listen every week and especially the ones that are in the YOUTUBE premiere chats firing up their appreciation and making me feel like I need to get better and bring more heat the following week. Thanks to all of you that sent me clips for this friends of the show video, I hope you enjoy. Keep skating, provoke the stoke, come, listen, and learn... Thank you all—Stay safe out there! --------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE NOW: --------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTORS THAT CARRY OUR SCHMIT: AWH SKATEBOARD DIST: TALKIN' SCHMIT SOFT GOODS IN JAPAN: TALKIN' SCHMIT SOFT GOODS IN CANADA: --------------------------------------- MUSIC: The SM Project "Crystical Spectacles" courtesy of Shane Medanich ( SIGYL "Sanctuary" courtesy of Bitchin' Betties ( The SM Project "Poverty Church" courtesy of Shane Medanich ( EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Sharal Camisa INTERVIEW & EDITED: Greg "Schmitty" Smith If you want to help support the show, head over to and pick up some merchandise. There's also lots of photos, video and extras to help complement each interview. WEBSITE: YOUTUBE:
Posted by: Epicly Trife