The Skateboard Angel Program by CowtownSKATE Nonprofit
The Skateboard Angel Program by CowtownSKATE NonprofitTo become a skateboard angel today, visit SKATEBOARDANGEL.COM Cowtown SKATE Nonprofit's signature program was developed in order to support partner nonprofits that offer children in underserved communities the opportunity to learn to skate. In 2021, this project provided new, high-quality complete skateboards to over 750 kids in need. This year the program is going national with the help of our friends at skate shops across the country, and together we aim to exceed 2,000 donations! Through this program, we (CowtownSKATE Nonprofit) facilitate an annual donation drive that allows you to purchase brand-new skateboards at a discounted donor price. We then ship the preassembled skateboards to Skateboard Angel affiliate skate shops who distribute them to their beneficiary partner nonprofits. It's all about coming together and getting professional-grade gear to kids who may otherwise never get the chance to discover the joy of learning to skateboard!