Skateboarding videos
Rodney Mullen Legendary Trick Remake COMPILATION Part 1
Rodney Mullen Legendary Trick Remake COMPILATION Part 1Rodney Mullen Trick Remake Compilation Part 1 This Video has been requested for years. Thanks Rodney Mullen for all these crazy Tricks. It has been quite a journey to land them. Some of them literally took days to remake. I hope you enjoy! :) 00:00 - 00:20 Semi Flip 00:20 - 00:37 Kickflip Darkslide 00:37 - 00:56 Crooked Grind varial heelflip out 00:56 - 01:07 360 Fingerflip 01:07 - 01:31 Half Cab Impossible 01:31 - 02:08 Kickflip Primoslide shove it out 02:08 - 02:39 Ghost Manny 02:39 - 02:48 Triple Kickflip 02:48 - 03:06 Tre Flip Nosemanny 360 shove it out 03:06 - 03:20 Bs 180 late double flip 03:20 - 03:40 casperslide 03:40 - 04:14 Half cab crooked Grind pressure varial heelflip out 04:14 - 04:28 Kickflip late casperflip 04:28 - 04:45 Half cab Flip Truckstand to fakie 04:45 - 05:09 Heelflip Primoslide Fs shove it out 05:09 - 05:40 Full Cab Impossible 05:40 - 06:07 Failed Mission 06:07 - 06:31 BS 5-0 Varial Finger Heelflip out 06:31 - 06:49 Fs Crooked Grind Pressure hardflip out 06:49 - 07:11 Tre Flip Primoslide Shove it out 07:11 - 07:36 Nollie varial heelflip Darkslide shove it out 07:36 - 07:54 Switch flip underflip 07:54 - 08:14 Tre flip Darkslide 08:14 - 08:45 Nollie Tre flip Primoslide Shove it out 08:45 - 09:11 Switch Bs flip underflip 09:11 - 09:33 Triple heelflip 09:33 - 09:47 Bs Lip Darkslide 09:47 - 09:55 Handflip manny flip out 09:55 - 10:15 Varial heelflip Primoslide Flip out 10:15 - 13:36 Outro MY PANTS: Swiss: International: Patreon: Buy my Pro model:
Posted by: Jonny Giger