Skateboarding videos
TWS Vault: Jason Hernandez Ep 27 | LA with Pat Duffy, Chad Tim Tim, Chris Haslam
TWS Vault: Jason Hernandez Ep 27 | LA with Pat Duffy, Chad Tim Tim, Chris HaslamBack from the road and straight to the loading dock gap I found near my house in L.A. I think I dragged skaters here at least once a week, Pat Duffy has such a determination slamming over and over again, he rarely gives up. It was clear after the road trip that I wanted to skate with Pat as much as possible. That quick clip of Tim Tim shows where my mind was, I knew I wanted to get him in a TWS video at some point. Seu was such a huge part of my daily life, and he introduced me to so many skaters, thank you Seu!--Jason Hernandez Featuring: Daniel Shimizu Pat Duffy Richie Belton Sal Barbier Benji Galloway Cris Haslam That last clip with Haslam was so before it's time, damn he's good! Subscribe to TransWorld’s YouTube: Follow TWS for the latest: Daily videos, photos and more: Like TransWorld SKATEboarding on Facebook: Follow TransWorldSKATE on Instagram: