Skateboarding videos
How Does Blind Skateboarder Justin Bishop Figure Out Proximity to the Obstacle?
How Does Blind Skateboarder Justin Bishop Figure Out Proximity to the Obstacle?A conversation with Justin Bishop about how he uses a beeper box to help him figure out when to pop. Pretty inspiring to see how we all adapt to get skateboarding done, regardless of what you have to overcome. Hope everyone had a good time at #GFLSeries yesterday. There were nearly 200 entries! Check full results at and we’ll see you in Lakeland next month. #videodescription for the #blind and #visuallyimpaired - Using a rope, Justin guides himself to a down rail and performs a backside board slide. Thanks to all our sponsors for backing GFL Series and the fight against cancer: Marinela, New Balance Numeric, Jain, Jessup, El Yucateco, Igloo, Red Bull, Zumiez, ProTec, GoPro, and Bones.
Posted by: The Boardr