Cowtown's #UHCWIRED presented by DC Shoes
Cowtown's #UHCWIRED presented by DC ShoesThat’s a wrap on #UHCWIRED presented by @dc_skateboarding .... AND THE WINNERS ARE!!!! @brandon_sk8s @matteo_sanmarco @savannah._irvin @zoothegiant @mehcomply @nicktrees with a special shout out to @the_real_raddad for still submitting a line filmed outside the gate due to rain. Winners please send us a DM to claim your prize packs. Thank you to everyone that participated. We can’t wait to have a regular contest again! Huge thanks to Evan Smith and our sponsors DC Shoes, Uma Landsleds, Independent Trucks, Spitfire Wheels, Bones Bearings & Mob Grip for making this event possible.