Skateboarding videos
TWS Vault: Jason Hernandez Episode 14
TWS Vault: Jason Hernandez Episode 14Tapes 57-63 These next tapes are starting to show the skaters I was leaning toward for the next video (Subtleties). I know I'm getting close to the end of Free Your Mind filming, Drehobl still needs to Ollie that big double set in SF and maybe a few more Welsh clips. I think the clips of Colt are just two nights skating with him. A lot of the next tapes will be Stefan Janoski, Kyle Leeper, and Brandon Biebelβ€”his b-roll is so fun, I kept the camera on him a lot when we'd go out skating. Oh I almost forgot, Are You Alright? Jon Holland and I did that video in between Free Your Mind and Subtleties. We drove a RV from San Diego all the way up to Canada, lots of fun stories to come... Featuring: Dan Murphy @murphyflies Van Wastell @vanwastell Pete Thompson @93til_skateboarding Paul Rodriguez @prod Leo Romero @leoromero Mark Appleyard @mark_appleyard Bastien Salabanzi @bastiensalabanzi Colt Cannon @coltybearz Brandon Biebel @brandonbiebel Stefan Janoski @stefanjanoski Jeff Landi @jefflandi Richard Angelides @dickangelides Rob Welsh @welshington Subscribe to TransWorld’s YouTube: Follow TWS for the latest: Daily videos, photos and more: Like TransWorld SKATEboarding on Facebook: Follow TransWorldSKATE on Instagram: