Skaters Dream Board Game: The Maze w/ Vladik Scholz, Madars Apse, Gustavo Ribeiro & Jost Arens
Skaters Dream Board Game: The Maze w/ Vladik Scholz, Madars Apse, Gustavo Ribeiro & Jost ArensWatch Gustavo Ribeiro, Jost Arens and Madars Apse join Vladik Scholz to rip a hydraulically alive skatepark pursued by a malicious marble in his latest creative skate adventure. Vladik linked up with master skatepark craftsman Andreas Schutzenberger to roll out a pioneering indoor skatepark project: a hydraulic tilting skatepark labyrinth known as The Maze. Based on the ubiquitous childhood marble game of yore, Schutzi’s 40-tonne, 21 square-metre skatepark creation is suspended 3 metres into the air on a series of hydraulic jacks which make the floor slope in any chosen direction – even as you skate it! If you have ever skated a makeshift run-up or a jerry-rigged flatbank, you will doubtless be aware what an absolute nightmare trying to re-calibrate the physics and balance of just rolling on a shifting surface is. Busting tricks on an undulating first-floor skate spot, let alone rolling around on it, takes more than nerve: it takes instinctive, reflexive balance. So, when Vladik chose Portugal's Gustavo Ribeiro, Germany's Jost Arens and Latvia's very own Madars Apse to come and check out what IOU Ramps managed to create this time around he knew he was selecting three skaters who have proven their ability to adapt and deliver time and again.What he didn’t tell them, however, was that the final twist designed into the slanted and enchanted skatepark was a giant chromeball, released to respond to the demands of gravity and pursue them around the labyrinth, full tilt! Get amongst Vladik’s marble madness as another one of his skating daydreams becomes a reality, including a little peek behind the curtain of Schutzi’s creative experiments to inspire your imagination! ► Subscribe to the Red Bull Skateboarding on YouTube: Red Bull Skateboarding on Facebook: