Full Part: Robbin Oost ''Mokers'' (2020)
Full Part: Robbin Oost ''Mokers'' (2020)In a difficult time like we live in at the moment, we also have plenty of time like editing video parts for example. Matthijs Tuenter decided last week to finish his long time (since 2016) project, the Robbin Oost ''Mokers'' video part. In the meantime, Robbin became a dad of his son Rovan, started kickboxing, but still getting hammers in the little time he has! Stay tuned for a few minutes of classic Robbin Oost footage in his lates part ''Mokers!'' Filming: Matthijs Tuenter Additional filming: Huub Slinger Riders: Robbin Oost Rob Maatman Jelle Maatman