Skateboarding videos
Cooking Pierogies With Yaje Popson & Quim Cardona
QUIM’S PIEROGI RECIPE: 10 large potatoes 3 large onions 4 cups all-purpose flour (or whole wheat) 2 eggs 16 oz sour cream 1 pint heavy cream cheddar cheese turmeric (cuz why not) salt pepper butter olive oil sauerkraut applesauce INSTRUCTIONS: ◦ dice potatoes and onions ◦ boil potatoes until soft and sautee onions until caramelized ◦ combine potatoes and onions into a large mixing bowl with cheddar cheese, butter, turmeric, salt, and pepper, mix to create the pierogi filling ◦ combine 4 cups of flour with 2 eggs, 1/2 cup of heavy cream (or more), and 4 oz of sour cream (or more) ◦ whip and knead the mixture into a dough ◦ roll out the dough and cut into circles for the pierogies ◦ comfortably fill the pierogi dough then fold and seal them ◦ drop pierogies into boiling water until they rise to the top ◦ remove from boiling water and lightly fry in a pan (optional step) ◦ serve with sauerkraut, sour cream, and applesauce Filmed by: Alexis Castro & Alex Raspa Edited by: Alexis Castro MORE INFO:
Posted by: Jenkem Mag