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Andrew Pommier  | Artist Network Program by RVCA
View the RVCA x Andrew Pommier ANP collection: Andrew Pommier is a lad who has always loved painting and drawing. Art school (in the Renaissance world of Florence, Italy where which brought forth the galloping wonders of experience he had never tired) allowed him to escape the small Canadian mining city he grew up in. Art has given him the opportunity to explore many places in the world; showing internationally with solo shows both in New York, USA and Sydney, Australia, as well as being in many group shows that have been either close to home or across an ocean or two. His art mixes the polish and rawness of the creative process. Left exposed are the rough pencil lines referencing sketches from his steadfast companion" his sketchbook. The hurried daily records are then contrasted with deftly polished lines in paint, which contain the result of a darkly humorous reflection of the ironic collision between the constructed world of man and the natural world. The last four years have been spent living in Vancouver, and when not engrossed in a dark studio he can be found on his bike laying down wicked long skids on its eastside streets. Learn more about Andrew and the Artist Network Program: RVCATags: andrew pommier,
Posted by: RVCA