Speak Two The Wind, Bonus Ep. - Skateboarding + Motorcycles, Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende
Learn more: http://vol.cm/speak6
This bonus episode of ‘Speak Two The Wind’ finds CJ Collins, Collin Provost, Jackson Pilz, and others wandering through Mexico on motorcycles, embracing the ancient colonial architectures, 2,000 year-old pyramids, and various skate spots as they made their way from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende.
Episode 1 - California to Arizona: http://vol.cm/speak1
Episode 2 - Arizona, Utah, and…: http://vol.cm/speak2
Episode 3 - Belgium to Germany: http://vol.cm/speak3
Episode 4 - Germany to Denmark: http://vol.cm/speak4
Episode 5 - Denmark to Sweden: http://vol.cm/speak5
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