Damn Am Barcelona Qualification + Best Trick (Joorge Simoes, Giovanni Vianna)
Damn Am Barcelona Qualification + Best Trick (Joorge Simoes, Giovanni Vianna)The Damn Am Barcelona Qualification day is over and just like the practice the skating was on a whole other level. Joorge Simoes took home first place and with that a straight shot to the finals. Take a look at the recap of day. Rider: Joorge Simoes Giovanni Vianna Justin Sommer Bart Buikman Nassim Lachhab Alexander Risvad Angelo Caro Jereme Knibbs Joao Lucal Alvez Daisuke Ikeda Jan Hirt Mauro Iglesias Ayoub Mrabet Aaron Jago Emanuel Bacchiocchi James Grindley Guido Stazi Host Woody Hoogendijk Film/edit Tim Koster