Skateboarding videos
Video Days: Behind The Blind Video
In 1991, the 80s skate boom had burst, the United States economy was in recession and President Bush declared war on Iraq. Skateboarding was at a crossroads then, with fresh styles, new companies and young pros pushing past the old brands and tired heroes. With the rest of the country languishing in a funk of war and recession, skateboarders were celebrating the transformation of their own little world. That transformation was documented in a video filmed and directed by a young photographer named Spike Jonze. Featuring Mark Gonzales, Jason Lee, Guy Mariano and the rest of the Blind team, Video Days captured the unique talents of a seminal group of skaters at a critical time in the history of modern skateboarding. ON delves into the making of one of skateboarding’s most influential videos with help from Spike Jonze, Jason Lee and others. Subscribe to TransWorld’s YouTube: Follow TWS for the latest: Daily videos, photos and more: Like TransWorld SKATEboarding on Facebook: Follow TransWorldSKATE on Instagram: Follow TransWorldSKATE Twitter: