Skateboarding videos
New Game Of Skate War! / Andy VS Alex VS Casey
Subscribe Subscribe for Daily Videos! Get ReVive & Skateboard Gear at Alex's Channel - Casey's Channel - Here's an off the wall idea for a video. I'll list the rules below in case this was fuzzy. I hope you guys enjoyed this! You really should try it! It's a lot of fun! More videos always on the way so stay tuned. Ok so the person setting the trick has three tries to land it. If they land it then the other players always have three tries to match it. If they fail to do so, they get a letter. When you get to S.K.A.T.E. you lose! If you fail to land a trick to set the trick then you receive no penalty and it's the next person's turn to set. If you set the trick it is the next persons turn to set the trick even though you landed it. 4 Tries to land an already set trick when you're on T. Have fun!