Skateboarding videos
Bump to Can Jam, Agenda 2017
We threw another contest out in front of the Agenda show that everyone came out to watch. The concept this time was simple, a bump to can like skaters are propping up all around the world. After a slew of tricks were done over one can, we added a second, then a third. $20 and $40 were given out for tricks we liked. The big guns were definitely out at this point, so we figured, hey, let's make it a long ollie contest for another $100. Brandon Bonner and Dashawn Jordan tied a 17-foot launch over a single can and split the hundred bucks. Insane. After the last of our 20s had been handed out, the judges picked our top three and we gave them some more dough. Dashawn Jordan, $500 Carlos Iqui, $300 Tommy Sandoval, $100 Presented by Weedmaps and Arizona Iced Tea. Video / @sulltrain @collinhpx @jon__holland Subscribe to TransWorld’s YouTube: Follow TWS for the latest: Daily videos, photos and more: Like TransWorld SKATEboarding on Facebook: Follow TransWorldSKATE on Instagram: Follow TransWorldSKATE Twitter: Follow TransWorld on Snapchat: transworldskate