Skateboarding videos
Strathletics Skateboard Olympics 2016
We all have our opinion on skateboarding being added to the 2020 Olympics, and we thought, why resist it when we can join in on the fun?! We wanted to offer an event for all of those with the high hopes of competing in 2020 but a lifestyle that wouldnโ€™t accommodate. This welcomed the birth of The First Annual STRATHLETICS, no drug tests required. Presented by eS, Altamont, InStance, Sandbox, Kingshit Magazine, Strathcona Brewing, Miss Envy, The Boardroom, Menu, The Drive and Timebomb Trading Inc. Video by Tyler Holm and Ryan Smith Edit by Tyler Holm Music by Dayton Family - So High Bookmark our website Join the FB fanpage Follow us on Instagram & Twitter & Snapchat @TimebombTradingCast: Timebomb Trading Inc.Tags: strathletics, strathcona, skateboarding, olypmics, skate hockey, skate boxing, 100m mongo dash, beer, vancouver, bc and canada