Skateboarding videos
Waiting by Erick Valentic
"Waiting has always been a part of my life, essentially. Waiting to become something else, waiting to become that person I thought I was on the verge of being, waiting for a life I thought I would always have. Nowadays I’ll always get clowned on by my friends for waiting to long to make something when it’s expected of me, or waiting so long to finish a piece of work where I feel comfortable to show it to the world. I think that’s why I decided to name the video what it is, and I feel okay for admitting that. The speed that skateboarding is moving today, to me, having patience with your work may be the key to making something last, and something that can be remembered genuinely. Having patience isn't the absence of action, rather it waits on the right time to act."—Erick Valentic This new video features just a fraction of some of the best skating in Canada, with footage from TJ Rogers, Ben Paterson, Jon Cosentino, Mitch Donovan, and many more. Filmed & Cut by Erick Valentic Additional filming by Chris McMaster and Chris Therd Subscribe to TransWorld’s YouTube: Follow TWS for the latest: Daily videos, photos and more: Like TransWorld SKATEboarding on Facebook: Follow TransWorldSKATE on Instagram: Follow TransWorldSKATE Twitter: Follow TransWorld on Snapchat: transworldskate