Video Check Out: Mateo Rael
*2015 Come Up Tour Winner
Age: 16
Home: San Clemente, California
Sponsors: Republik of Kalifornia, Volcom
Last Book Read: Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul.
Video part that gets you hyped: Riley Hawk, Shep Dawgs 3.
Am who should be pro: Chris Wimer.
Pet Peeve: Cops.
New Year's Resolution: Optimism.
Best Video of 2015: William Strobeck’s SICKNESS.
TV show you're hooked on: The Walking Dead.
Recommended iphone App: Tinder.
I met Mateo through the Volcom Wild in the Park series. I chose him out of all the dudes in the contest because he had a solid style and bag of tricks. I liked the fact that he wasn’t rocking the trendy gear that 75-percent of all the others were wearing.—Caswell Berry
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