Skateboarding videos
Video Check Out: Enzo Cautela
Age: 18 Home: Escondido, California Sponsors: enjoi, KR3W, Supra, Pharmacy, Bones, Krux New Year’s Resolution: Skate more and be healthier than last year. Newest music in your iPhone: Lil Wayne, FWA. Next skate trip: Las Vegas for a week to film with the hometown goons. Video part you throw on before a session: That new Cody McEntire part. 2016 will be the year of the: Year of the monkey in Chinese zodiac, not sure what that means. Recommend an IG follow: @NatGeo if you want to see some gangster animals. Last trick filmed: Three flip lipped this rail in Vegas that I've been thinking about for a super long time. Best style: Marc Johnson, that dude is a wizard. Enzo knows what's possible the moment he gets to the spot and always leaves with bangers. His skills stretch the envelope of what's possible on a skateboard without reverting to fads of yesteryear. Don't be fooled, there's more to this dude than stairs, so be warned when I say we can expect nothing but good things.—Cairo Foster Video / @MattMullen916, Dominic Grenarie, @curiositykilledthecam, and @n84head Subscribe to TransWorld’s YouTube: Follow TWS for the latest: Daily videos, photos and more: Like TransWorld SKATEboarding on Facebook: Follow TransWorldSKATE on Instagram: Follow TransWorldSKATE Twitter: