SK: Big Isle visit with Dusty Owens!
SK: Big Isle visit with Dusty Owens!Took a lightly packed trip to Big Island with roomie Joelian Maxey aka Rail Master Stiffy in search of Shittykids tranny ripper Dusty owens! We found him shortly off the plane ripping the Waikaloa Skatepark,where we also experienced the only 2 hours of sunshine for the entire 3 days we'd be there! Amidst the flash flood warnings we took cover in the newly located Oasis Skateshop, and sessioned the mini ramp there for what may have been a complete 24 hours! The last day took it up to Volcano skatepark and met up with fellow Oahu tourist, Mikey Albert and Shitty Kitty! We slipped around the misty masonite,wallied some pole jams, Dusty lost a tooth and like that we were back on Oahu! Thanks again Big Island, Oasis Skateshop, Bdoe Hospitalities,Yes I, Arizona Green Tea, and Vernas Drive Inn. 'Til next time!