Tidy Mike Skate Crates 5 - OG FiftyFifty crew (2001 - 2004)
Tidy Mike Skate Crates 5 - OG FiftyFifty crew (2001 - 2004)Episode 5 of Tidy Mike's Skate Crates featuring a montage of footage from the original FiftyFifty crew - Will Ainley, Zak Pitter, Mat 'Stalker' Keal, Dan Wileman and Joe Habgood crushing local and not so local spots. Filmed between 2011 and 2004. Subscribe to the Sidewalk channel Here - http://bit.ly/1pZvFP7 Join Sidewalk on Facebook- http://sidewalkm.ag/Facebook Follow Sidewalk on Twitter- http://sidewalkm.ag/Twitter