Skateboarding videos
Youness Amrani: Almost x Zumiez
Check out Almost rider Youness Amrani in the latest Zumiez interview video! ZUMIEZ: Growing up in Belgium, what were your early influences in skateboarding? YOUNESS AMRANI: I would say my first skate videos. Fulfill The Dream, and Mouse, were the two first videos I saw. My neighbor skated too, and he was older so had these videos, and I would go to his house, borrow the videos, and never give them back. ZUMIEZ: Is life any different now that you are pro? YOUNESS AMRANI: It is a childhood dream to have your own board, and your own trucks, and whatever, but it’s not different, it’s the same thing. You just keep on skating, you know? Do the same thing, it’s the same. ZUMIEZ: What was your favorite place while traveling for your Thrasher part? YOUNESS AMRANI: I didn’t travel that much for the part. I just went to Barcelona for a week, and then Portugal for a week or something. Most of the time I spent LA actually, but I would say Portugal was the best place we went to because I never went there, and the spots were so good. I would say Lisbon was the best. ZUMIEZ: Do you plan most of your tricks? Or freestyle once you arrive at a spot? YOUNESS AMRANI: usually if you think of something before you go to the spot, you get there and its way to hard anyways. So if you cant even do an easy trick, how are you going to do the hard trick? So I stopped doing that, I just go with the flow, and see what happens when I get there. ZUMIEZ: What music are you listening to lately? YOUNESS AMRANI: I have been listening to Frank Sinatra a lot, just Frank Sinatra, not that genre or anything. Then I always listen to old school hip hop, like anything from the east coast like Lost Boyz, Group Home, all that stuff, all the good stuff. Youness Amrani rides for Almost, Nike SB, Bones Swiss, Sml. Wheels, Venture, Mob Grip, Skullcandy, and Hélas.
Posted by: Zumiez