Skateboarding videos
Tommy Sandoval: Fallen x Zumiez
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Check out Fallen pro Tommy Sandoval in the latest Zumiez pro rider interview with Transworld Skateboarding. ZUMIEZ: What was your favorite place you went on The Road Less Traveled? TOMMY SANDOVAL: Probably Thailand. Thailand was just overall rad. Every spot we went to was unique in its own way. Just the people there, our tour guides, and just going to Thailand, I never thought I would end up there. ZUMIEZ: Was there anything different behind the filming for Cold War vs. Road Less Traveled? TOMMY SANDOVAL: Whenever I would go on a Road Less Traveled trip, I knew it was kind of based around going to a spot, kind of get a trick, and not really worry about if it's the gnarliest trick or not. We had time to kind of sight see a little bit, and do stuff different then for say the Cold War video. That was my part that I was ready to show them what's up. Based around a serious video part where you are coming out with your best stuff. ZUMIEZ: You spent a lot of time working on Cold War. Is life any different since you finished your part? TOMMY SANDOVAL: It is a little bit different, now that I don't have any pressure to produce so much footage in a short period of time. I have been practicing some new stuff, and brushing up on something different, and working on this LRG part coming out pretty soon. ZUMIEZ: Which Blackbox AM do you get the most hyped to watch skate? TOMMY SANDOVAL: I'd have to say Ed Duff. Him and of course Kyle Frederick. I actually went in there the other day, and both of them were in there shredding. These fools are like feeding off each other. I know Ed Duff just came off his ankle shit, and he is already just getting it dude. I love that guy. ZUMIEZ: What was one of the best nicknames someone gave your epic mustache? TOMMY SANDOVAL: The caterpillar of course. Yah that was just so old. I haven't heard somebody say that in a long time. When I was getting on Fallen I could barel
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