Ryan Decenzo Metal Series
Ryan Decenzo metal series pro deck is now available at your local skateshop and select online retailers. 8.25 X 31.7 with a 14.25 wheelbase. Hardrock maple , resin epoxy, single deck press, and a 15 day guarantee against breakage gives you the MOST POWER FOR YOUR MONEY. Click to purchase : warehouseskateboards.com/darkstar-ryan-decenzo-resin-7-metal-skateboard-deck-8.25x32 Music by Mommy and Daddy " good deal " compliments of Kanine Records. facebook.com/darkstarskate , instagram.com/darkstarskate , twitter.com/darkstarskate , youtube.com/darkstarskateCast: DarkstarSkateTags: ryan decenzo, darkstar, darkstarskate, metal series and most power for your money