Skateboarding videos
Girl & Chocolate Demo - Metro Vancouver 2013
To celebrate the #20yearsofgirl exhibition at Antisocial Skateboard Shop and to commemorate the official proclamation of August 29th, 2013 being "Rick Howard Appreciation Day" in Vancouver, members of the Girl and Chocolate teams converged on the Chuck Bailey skatepark in Surrey, BC on August 30th for the "Mounted Cops/Two Stops" demo. In order of appearance: Sean Malto, Rick McCrank, Raven Tershy, Cory Kennedy, Elijah Berle. Filmed & Edited by: Antosh Cimoszko Music: "They Came In Through The Window" by Night Beats #20yearsofgirl exhibition slideshow: concreteskateboarding.comCast: Concrete Skateboarding and Antosh CimoszkoTags: girl skateboards, chocolate skateboards, demo, #20yearsofgirl, video, vancouver, supra distribution and concrete sk