Hybridation, a Fred Mortagne Film
Hybridation means 'a cross between two varieties', so not a surprise, then, to see familiar angles when you know a little bit of Fred Mortagne's photographic work. The Lyon native has for a long time harboured the desire to film skateboarding the way he photographs it. The result is breathtaking; amazing images perfectly accompanied by the sound of Mount Analogue, with a track written especially for this short. On the skate side of things, Hybridation's cast is boggling: Flo Mirtain, Sammy Winter, Lucas Puig, Tyler Bledsoe, Arto Saari to name but a few. So let yourself float along on ten minutes of unadulterated skateboarding bliss.
"Making of" Photo Story: http://www.redbull.com/en/skateboarding/stories/1331607726408/photo-story-hybridation
Fred Mortagne Interview: http://www.redbull.com/en/skateboarding/stories/1331606740747/fred-mortagne-interview
Red Bull Skateboarding: http://www.redbull.com/en/skateboarding
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