Stop #9 Wild In The Parks Southside Skatepark, TX
14 & Under Division:
1st: Sean Turner
2nd: Santino Fernandez
3rd: Kolemann Reed
4th: Elias Brown
5th: James Ramirez
6th: Austin Stinson
7th: William Martinez
15 & Over Division:
1st: Christian Dufrene
2nd: Nathan Lee Hammond
3rd: Anthony Reyes
4th: Brandon Ly
5th: Ben Havran
6th: Zach Godlewski
7th: Zack Hemphill
Open Division:
1st: George Karvones - $250
2nd: David Langston- $150
3rd: Hollywood Martinez- $100
4th: Jonathan Bastian
5th: Mikey Whitehouse
6th: Tate Maulpass
7th: Miles Canevello
Hi-Chew's Chewiest Move of the Day:
Griffin Landry
Motion Graphics: Mike Wiener
- Music -
Songs: Ears And Eyes
Artist: Audacity
Release: Mellow Cruisers