Skateboarding videos
This is An edit i was very stoked to take part in with Anthony Claravall a fellow Videographer/ Editor of many skate videos i have grown up watching. This was a trip me and him filmed in 3 Parts of China ,GZ,SZ,HK it was OFFICIAL Head Wears first ever skate trip with their newly formed team ,Miles Silvas,Stefan Janoski,Rodrigo TX,Jose Rojo,Marquise Henry. On this trip through China we covered allot of ground all the way from getting skate clips to picking,Designing and seeing a custom OFFICIAL China hat being made custom for the guys on the trip. Their is 2 Video's -One short one with a running time of 6:14 And a Longer Version that tells the entire story running time is 13:04 Big thanks to the skaters and everyone at OFFICIAL HEADWEAR ENJOY... WWW.OFFICIALSKATE.COMCast: Flow Points-Jordan MayfieldTags: skateboarding, Official, Hats, Headwear, Skate, HD, Hong Kong, 8FIVE2, theberrics, flowpointproductions and China