Skateboarding videos
Stop #5 Volcom Stone's Wild In The Parks Street League Skate Plaza Erie, CO
Results: 14 & Under Division: 1st: Cobey Massengill 2nd: Dorian Dietrich 3rd: Menelik Marutle 4th: Alex Hora 5th: Davie McNichol 6th: Josh Mihalovich 7th: Lucas Foster 15 & Over Division: 1st: Kyle Eggen 2nd: Nick Kiery 3rd: Cole Contreras 4th: Daniel Khamov 5th: Jack Crabtree 6th: Ruben Vigil 7th: Israel Dominguez Open Division: 1st: Julian Christianson-$250 2nd: Mike Marks -$150 3rd: Jordan Rommel -$100 4th: TJ Van Auken 5th: Phil Hansen 6th: Raphael Sanboh 7th: Wyatt Milhollan Hi-Chew's Chewiest Move of the Day: Cobey Massengill Motion Graphics: Mike Wiener - Music - Songs: Soft Seance Artist: Grim Tower Release: Anarchic Breezes
Posted by: Volcom