Lizard King: SPoT "20" Year Experience - Episode 14
Lizard King: SPoT "20" Year Experience - Episode 14 The Passion is up next on SPoT's "20" Year Experience. Lizard's contest win in his homelands of Utah provides him with a free trip to Tampa, FL. His first ever skate trip, riding for Hollywood flow, he meets up with "Legendary Josh Beagle", Slash, and Sammy Baca. He notes, if your not partying and skating the contest, "you're cheating". Did you know he learned Cab front boards here before he did them down the Hollywood 12? Sit back, enjoy his experience and lets see if he can stake his his claim on winning Tampa Pro 2013. SUBSCRIBE to RIDE: Like RIDE on FACEBOOK: Follow RIDE on INSTAGRAM: Follow RIDE on TWITTER: