Skateboarding videos
Peter Ramondetta: Zumiez x Real
Check out Real rider Peter Ramondetta in the latest Zumiez interview video! ZUMIEZ: Who skates faster, you or Dennis? FRANK GERWER: So put Peter on the spot, and I'll answer for both of them. Turtles skate faster than both of these jerks. A cheetah is actually the fastest skater on earth. ZUMIEZ: Nothing seems to scare you. How do you prepare for the fearsome terrain you are known for skating? PETER RAMONDETTA: I just tell myself I know I can do it, and try to not think about the worse case scenario. Try to put that out of my head, and I guess try and trust myself. ZUMIEZ: Out of all the Pushing trips you went on last summer, which was the most memorable? PETER RAMONDETTA: I like Vancouver. Pushing was good, I like Vancouver. I like Canada. It was good. ZUMIEZ: Do you have any superstitions? Decks you won't ride, shoes you won't wear? PETER RAMONDETTA: I guess red decks, that's about it. Cardiel are a few other people used to never ride red tops because they said every time they got hurt, it was on a red top. ZUMIEZ: What are you most thankful for? PETER RAMONDETTA: I guess I am thankful to be healthy, alive, and being able to skate. Peter Ramondetta rides for Real, Thunder, Spitfire, HUF, Roughneck Hardware, Monster, Mob Grip, and Omit Download the song at:
Posted by: Zumiez