Unforeseen Shadows - Phil Hammerton - Part 2
Unforeseen Shadows - Phil Hammerton - Part 2 2000-02 Colorado skate video by Kyle Gray. "California has always been in the limelight of skateboarding and has always been unarguable considered skateboarding's dreamland. While doing this it has always cast a shadow over the rest of the world, forcing other places to have to prove themselves valuable of being as important as California. Against these odds, remarkably skateboarders everywhere else in the world have been coming up with uncontrollable skill. A good example are the Colorado skateboarders. This video showcases a select few of these talented skaters that go against the grain and do what they do with what they have. These are the people that are forced to lurk in the shadows of California. .. The Unforeseen Shadows." Phil Hammerton