Jerry Hsu - Nollie Back Heel Hollywood High 16 (poached) - Rog Roll Contest :)
Jerry Hsu - Nollie Back Heel Hollywood High 16 (poached) - Rog Roll Contest :) ROG ROLL YOUR FRIENDS CONTEST!!! Heres how it works - 1. Be Subscribed to 2. Download the "Rog Roll" here 3. Edit your own video together utilizing the Rog Roll you just downloaded 4. Now, heres where it gets diabolical! upload your video with an amazing title like "Cutest Kitten Ever" Or "Jerry Hsu Nollie Back Heel Down El Toro" (remember misleading thumbnails are a must for maximum effectiveness) get your friends to click on it by any means necessary, then "Rog Roll" their asses! 4. Enter your video as a video response to the video above 5. On November 10th the 3 accounts with the most hits on their "Rog Roll" vids get the first ever SKATELINE T Shirts autographed by your boy Gary Rogers, and a numbered crumpled up paper ball from an actual SKATELINE episode! 6. Good Luck and HAVE FUN!