Skateboarding videos
The whole week we were excited about the forthcoming Wild In The Parks competition and weather was the biggest reason for that excitement. The Weather was really unstable during the competition week and we didn't really have any plan b for the rainy day. Few days before the competition we were really relieved cause the weather forecast predicts us a warm and sunny day. Coincidence or not, but we had again a really good luck with weather and actually the day was pretty much the hottest day in Helsinki in this summer. As soon as the tents were up there was already a bunch of young fellas waiting for the registration and we ended up with 140 contestants. Most of the contestants was in"14 and under" division and we have five heats in that division. The level has risen up from the last year and it's nice to see how much the young guys are developing and putting down even harder tricks. In every division people gave all the effort and shredding was audience-friendly. They probably did a double job to land their tricks because 30 degrees temperature made it pretty heavy. Pictures and video will tell you the rest of the day. Thanks to all contestants and everyone else who took a part of this event. Thanks to our emcee Mikko Kuiri, photographer Janne Jameson, filmer Vekku Nissinen, our judges and everyone else who helped out and a big shout out to Ponke's the shop for giving us a chance to compete in their park.
Posted by: Volcom