Skateboarding videos
Emerica Wild in the Streets Amsterdam
Emerica Wild in the Streets Amsterdam EMERICA WILD IN THE STREETS AMSTERDAM - Benefiting Skatepark Amsterdam Thursday 5th July Emerica organized Wild in the Streets in Amsterdam. Between two and three hundred enthousiastic skateboarders gathered to skate through the city. The goal was to build community and raise awareness for skateboarding and skateboarders' needs. In this specific case they got together to 'fight' for the Amsterdam Skatepark that has to leave its current home very soon because the local government decided to redevelop the area to build more office spaces. Emerica's Wild in the Streets was organized to put the subject on the radar of the politicians again so they will put more efforts in helping the skatepark finding a new location. Multiple mainstream media, ranging from national newspapers to local tv channels, documented the event and helped us all achieving this goal. But of course without all the skateboarders that came out and showed their love and support for the park this would never have happened. Amsterdam Skatepark and Emerica therefore wants to thank all the skateboarders, especially all the really young kids, that came out and showed their love & support for skateboarding
Posted by: Emerica