Street League 2012: Ontario Monster Energy Award
Street League 2012: Ontario Monster Energy Award Street League presents the 2012 Monster Energy Award. At every stop of Street League 2012 the highest scored trick or run of the day is given the Monster Energy Award and $10000. The skaters with the highest single scores in each section are also given $5000 each. In Ontario, California it was Nyjah Huston in the Best Trick Section with a Caballerial Kick Flip Backside Lipslide for a 9.8 who took home the Monster Energy Award. The highest Run Section score also went to Nyjah with an 9.2 and in the Big Section it was Chaz Ortiz with a Backside Tailslide Big Spin for an 8.9. For more information, videos and to buy tickets to the Street League 2012 DC Pro Tour Fueled by Monster Energy visit